The Eczema Solution

How To Get Rid Of Your Eczema WithOUT Harmful Steroid Creams, Moisturisers Or Antibiotics

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Hi, I’m Neil and in the next 5 minutes, I’m going to provide you with some valuable information that will give you new hope in putting an end to your eczema flare ups. You have probably seen my popular video on YouTube which is 20 minutes long, so in the interest of your time, I’ll keep this short.

Since a very young age, I suffered from eczema. It started off on my arms, hands, behind my knees, and as I grew older it began to spread. When I was at primary school I’d wear these white gloves to stop me scratching – or rather, to stop me drawing blood. These gloves wouldn’t last long – I’d scratch holes in them and I’d wake up bleeding. I wonder if you can relate to this.

During my school exams when I was 16, it went all over my back and neck during these more stressful times, and at university, there were times when it was pretty much all over me. It wasn’t pleasant. I was mocked by friends at school (and at university believe it or not), and it hit my confidence – socially and in work situations. In fact, even in my late twenties in my professional working environment, I’d have horrific flare ups after nights out. My friends looked at me the next day like I was an alien. One friend went “woah, what’s happened to your face? If you don’t believe what my face can look like, take a look below at this – and it’s been all over my back, too.

Long story short, I stumbled upon what eczema really is, and that it has a root cause. For the last few years, I’ve been mostly eczema free. I can’t say I’m “cured” as it can come back when I don’t follow my own advice. True story.


I want you to free yourself from the irritation, the frustration, embarrassment, of constantly battling with it, going from one flare up to the next. From one short term solution to the next. I know in my heart, it is 100% possible for you for you to free yourself from it. Since you’re watching this, you are one of too many people unnecessarily suffering from it, simply because you have been misinformed about what eczema is. You have probably heard “it’s genetic, there’s not much you can do about it.”

You’re probably thinking “I’ve tried everything, every cream, every steroid (oral and topical), every immune-suppressant drug…and it keeps on coming back. You might be thinking there is no hope. You might not have the belief that you can be free from eczema and have smooth and soft skin. You might have even lost hope.

Please allow me to instil hope in you…

Can you relate to this? I would go to the doctor over and over again, I’d see dermatologists, and the treatment I was given repeatedly was steroids, harmful moisturisers and antibiotics when it got really bad. There was a time when I was about 15-16 when I remember going to the doctor, and him looking at me, and then asking me if I was allergic to penicillin. I said I don’t think so. I started to get very curious about this “solution” – even at that young age – as to why the treatments were always the same and never worked long-term. It just didn’t make sense.

My MASSIVE Aha Moment

Fast forward 20 years (I’m a fast learner!), when I researching the condition my father had been diagnosed with a few years prior to his stroke, I realised that the same underlying root cause of his stroke (and asthma and high blood pressure), was also the root cause of my eczema. I changed what I was eating, understood even more so the importance of regular movement, I changed my approach to stress, and guess what, it cleared up. Since 2015, I’ve been helping sufferers of eczema, to stop suffering.

Eczema is a Symptom, not an illness – This is BIG

I now don’t like to think of eczema as an illness or a disease – even a genetic disease. Rather, eczema is a symptom of a root cause – something is causing imbalance in the body – that’s it. And I can say this having suffered for the best part of 30 years.

If you think about it, The Western Medical System has almost programmed us to become victim to our illness, not the master of it

What is the root cause I hear you ask? It’s called inflammation – or chronic inflammation more specifically. In short, this is your immune system protecting you from a foreign, or alien invader. Something enters your body, that your body doesn’t recognise it, and it goes into a state of defence. It’s very intelligent. Without it, we’d die. Sadly, when it happens again and again, this is when your body creates symptoms to communicate to you, that this is happening. How clever is that?!

Where does inflammation start I hear you ask? Great question. Mostly - in the gut. (it can also start in your mouth). Simply put, when your gut is in balance, you will be free from eczema (and yes, your emotions do have a role to play in gut health).

Eczema is a messenger from your body asking you to make changes. And what have we been told? Take this drug, use this cream, use this steroid – IGNORE why it is happening…

It's Kinda Like This.... I see the current standard of treatment like this: Your car breaks down and instead of taking it to a mechanic, you take it to a paint shop, give it a paint job, and expect for it to be ok forever more. It’s ignoring the reason, the engine, the root cause of your flare ups.

Your skin is actually your largest organ. It’s normally the first indication that something is out of balance.

Did you know that your body is a really powerful self-healing machine? Think about when you cut an arm – you can virtually watch it heal. This happens not only on your skin, but internally. When you cut your arm, you can see it becomes a little red and inflamed. This is your intelligent immune system working its magic in healing you. Imagine now, that instead of leaving it alone, you kept on putting stuff on it that stopped it healing, or you’d pull the cut apart, or pull of the scab. It would take a while to heal wouldn’t it?

Certain things you are eating, or toxins you are exposed to – are doing just that. It’s why it keeps on coming back.


Ok, so Neil, how to do I get rid of eczema?

You heal your skin from within, across 3 main pillars of healing;

Physical, Mental & Emotional

  1. Physical
    1. Food – change what you’re eating, identify what’s causing the outbreaks, and replace them. Toxins out. Fuel in.
    2. Movement – know that your body must be active to expel toxins, but you don’t want to go crazy in the gym or it can make it worse),
    3. Environment – get familiar with creams / cosmetics / detergents etc that cause harm – and swap them over for nice ones
  2. Mental – mindset – create for yourself your vision, and get clear on your ‘why.’ I want you to become so in tune with it, and aligned with it and believe in it, that you will make the appropriate changes, and move past the struggles that you will meet. I also want to highlight the idea that eczema can actually become pleasurable (scratching that itch), addictive (because it’s pleasurable), habitual (we train ourselves to scratch) and unconscious (we don’t even know we’re scratching half the time). 3) Emotions - Understand the power of your emotions over your skin. Stress is a biggie – so finding ways to reduce or eliminate it are key. It’s also worth knowing that our emotions can either create a strong immune system or the opposite. I’ll help you with this.

Have you been told it's just genetic?

I expect you’re probably thinking that you’ve tried everything. I hear you. For me, I was met I thought the same for 30 years. And I expect, again, you have been misinformed by a well-meaning professional. This makes it even harder, because people we really respect, who are very well meaning – don’t know this stuff. Recently I was approached by a newly qualified medical doctor in Sydney who watched one of my webinars. She was covered in head to toe dermatitis. Weeping. You know what that’s like. I asked her if she’d learned about the role of gut health in skin health. She said no (I knew this anyway). She told me her dermatologist (skin doctor) had told her categorically (her precise word), that this is no link between gut health and skin health. Using the car analogy again, this is kinda like being told there is no relationship between the engine in your car, and your car moving.

I won’t go into this now,There is actually a solid reason why medical professionals do not know why I’m telling you now. Something big happened in 1910 which changed the training provided to medical professionals towards prescription drugs, which created a ‘symptoms and disease maintenance system’– and a business.

What I will say, is that things are slowly changing. Even in the UK recently, it’s been all over the news that doctors do not receive any nutritional training. (Among other ways to help the body to heal). It’s not their fault, please do not blame them!


Once I got my head around the root cause, and learned about inflammatory culprits, I started to see how certain things I was eating were causing my outbreaks. I was able to swap them over, move more effectively (lymphatic support), manage my emotions way better, and now, for the most part, I no longer suffer from eczema.

The Transformation

The transformation I have gained is beyond just not suffering from eczema and having clear skin. It’s beyond the confidence it’s brought out in me. I now feel so much more empowered around my own health than ever before. I know that my body will tell me very quickly when it needs my attention, across one of the 3 areas; physical, mental and emotional. I can tweak an area, and it’ll clear up. I just want to remind you, that inflammation isn’t just the root cause of eczema, it’s the root cause of just about every common and chronic illness known to man. I see it as your gift. Crazy, right? Given that we know that when inflammation gets really bad, it creates illnesses like type-2 diabetes, cancer and heart disease – I see eczema as a low-level symptom, indication change is important, before it gets worse.

I have create the eczema solution for you. Hit the link below and get hold of Clear Skin In 7 for just $7.

  • $7
  • 7 Days.
  • 7 Videos.
  • 7 Days To Clearer Skin
  • 7 Days To fewer Outbreaks
  • 7 Days to Ease Embarrassment
  • 7 Days to less itchy red and botchy skin

Your Instructor

Neil Cannon
Neil Cannon

Since 2015, and after reversing my own eczema very quickly once I discovered the underlying root cause, I have been able to help many others do the same thing. Join me on The Eczema Solution during which I will show you how you can alleviate yourself from chronic use of harmful steroids, antibiotics and moisturisers not fit for human skin.

Course Curriculum

  Day 1: Gearing Yourself Up For Clear Skin For Good
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 2: Remove Your Skin Attackers
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 3: Give Your Body A Skin Service
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 4: Your Magic Skin Potion
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 5: Breathe Your Eczema Away
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 6: Strengthen Your Skin Defenders
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 1 - Psychology For Success & Removal Of Culprits
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 2 - Fluids (Cleansing & Detoxification)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 3 - Micronutrients & Macronutrients
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 4 - Oxygen & Physical Activity
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 5 - Intermittent Fasting, Ketosis and Advanced Dietary Strategies
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 6 - Orthopaedics, Care of the Human Frame & Nature's Pharmacy
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
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